EDG (edge)

What does EDG (edge) mean?

A person that isn't afraid of straying away from the norm. Moving in a direction of their own, experimenting with setting new norms/ habits. Diving deeper into themselves and world around them to find answers that lie over the edge.


Why start EDG?

EDG is an evolution or much more like a person maturing overtime. The original brand ES7 (Eli Studios 7) was started solely on the fact that I could not find a-lot clothes that were quality for a Big guy like myself whenever I am shopping. Everything with the brand was cool for a while, until I kept running into the same dilemma which was "what is this and where is it going?" I felt that the brand lacked purpose/focus and ultimately did not resonate with me. Time passed and important life experiences occurred that put the drive back in me to do what I love and need to do as individual/ creative. Then in-turn made me rebrand. 


What are EDG's values? 

- Individuality and expression of oneself. 

- Look deeper and analyze your experiences. Question those ideas, actions and provoke your own thoughts and other around you.

- Whatever you do, do it with purpose. 


What does EDG offer?

Quality garments 

1of1 B.L.I.O. items


What is B.L.I.O.?

It is an acronym for " Breathing Life into old garments", which we upcycle old/used clothing into something new and refreshing.